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Antenatal counselling (ANC) for congenital anomalies in fetus

With advances in medical science and with the boon of IVF in conception, many anomalies (developmental abnormalities in fetus) are picked up early in Sonography, and in many babies , with regular follow up Sonography scans the would be parents of the baby are counselled regarding the prognosis of the anomalies and they are prepared to tackle the problem from antenatal period ( while the baby is still in mother’s womb) onwards rather than getting panicked post-delivery.

Most of the ANC patients in whom the fetal surgical anomalies are detected like


swelling of kidney – most common anomaly.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia-

hole in the membrane which separates abdomen n thorax, with intestine going into thorax

Oesophageal atresia/TEF-

foodpipe is not developed properly or connected to wind pipe

Anorectal malformation-

anus / rectum is not formed or communicated with other structures

Intestinal atresias-

small or large intestine not formed properly

Cystic hygromas/teratomas-


Cleft lip/ palate-

lip or palate has a gap.


swelling over spine of baby

These are the common anomalies which can be detected in USGs and in isolated anomalies if not severe, pregnancy is continued till term.

In such Antenatally detected anomalies, a PEDIATRIC SURGEON / PEDIATRIC UROLOGIST who is going to manage the baby post-delivery has a major role, and it’s always good that the expecting parents meet them antenatally if any such anomaly is found in the baby.
They are the ones who would counsel and make a post-delivery plan of treatment for such babies to give a good outcome for the baby.
Consultation with a qualified neonatal & Pediatric surgeon / Pediatric urologist can be done antenatally as well as post-delivery of baby.
Online consultations too are available in case mother is not able to travel long distance, so that a plan is made and the team is ready in case of anomalies which need management immediate post-delivery.

Next time you see any such anomaly, don’t panic, but take opinion of the CORRECT DOCTOR- who is experienced in handling such babies.

Dr. Kshama Kulkarni,
Consultant neonatal & Pediatric surgeon,
Pediatric urologist,
For appt- 7875566560.


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